Sunday, May 15, 2011

My sarcastic blog

Yea...I'm SOO sorry I've been away. I'm mean this is obiviously more important to my life than my soccer or boyfriend. So I'll try and update whenever I feel like it. Peace

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Eye doctors

Yes Mr.Doctor Man i really want you "up in my grill" with your old man hands and breathing on my face. That's not disturbing at ALL. And yes it really looks good with you and your gray hairs and black dyed mustache. I look forward to see you next week.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Uprooted overpriced plantlife and fat-saturated,caffeine and sugar blocks? You shouldn't have.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Laryngitis,how nice to see you.

Yes,I really love how my voice cracks when I speak too high an octave,sing or yell. It'll really make people take me seriously when I yell at them. And I REALLY can't wait till my voice completely goes. Then I won't to be able to speak at all! Isn't that just wonderful.....

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sarcastic haiku

Yeah you really care
You act like I am not there
This I will not bear

How WONDERFUL to see you snow

Ah yes snow...I *love* snow [insert eye roll here ]. I just love how it makes the hem of pants wet and my feet cold. Also the fact that it's piled high out there up to my hip...correction further than that. Yea,this really wants to make me move to Norway or North Canada. California have fun with your sun.

Song of the day:Miserable at Best-Mayday Parade 

Saturday, February 5, 2011

You make me feel soo great

Isn't it the greatest feeling when someone confuses the heck outta you and just leaves. Not bothering to text or call just keeps you hanging. When you do that I'm really on cloud nine. Thank you so much for making me feel this way...its great...